Safe payment
Safe payment
Security and privacy
The web uses SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) protocol with 256 -bit certificates in all pages of its website, which guarantees the confidentiality of the data provided, through information encryption that circulates online so that it is not readable or can be captured by third parties.
Pitillos shoes do not have access at any time to the bank data that it introduces, since they are inserted directly into safe pages of the bank or PayPal entity, as the case chosen for payment is.
Payment methods
We offer the two most demanded payment forms by online store users:
Payment by credit or debit card
- Payment made through the BBVA Redsys TPV.
- Visa and Mastercard cards of credit or debit are accepted.
- The data is inserted into the safe server of the bank of your card.
- Communication is encrypted with HTTPS protocol. Pitillos shoes will never ask for your credit card data. The system will redirect to the page of your bank that will validate the data and confirm the payment.
Payment through your PayPal account
- Safe payment system through the Internet.
- The PayPal website works with HTTPS HTTPS Protocol Pitillos will never ask your PayPal credentials.
- The system will connect with PayPal and after confirming the data of your account, the system will redirect to our website that will confirm the order.
Facred in 3, 6 or 12 months - sequra
Divide the payment of your order into 3, 6 or 12 months for only a small fixed cost per month. Only with your ID, mobile and bank card. Instantly and without paper. You can complete the payment whenever you want without additional cost.
For example, if you choose to pay an order of € 180 in 3 months, you would pay € 63 per month (only € 3 per month per share).
This easy and fast is fractionation of your payment with sequra:
- Select Fractional pay as a payment method at the end of your purchase.
- Enter your data (DNI and mobile), choose your payment plan and pay the first monthly payment.
- Enjoy your purchase! The rest of the payments will be automatically made every month.
If you have doubts, go to them here.